Hallo Mariam!!! Das ergibt doch alles keinen Sinn. Wenn Du mich wirklich lieben würdest, wärst Du zuerst zu mir gekommen. Ich habe keine Lust noch länger auf Dich zu warten. Ich will endlich wieder eine Frau bei mir haben. Für mich ist das alles sinnlos geworden.
Hello Mariam!This makes no sense. If you really loved me, you'd first come to me. I don't want you to wait still longer. I want to finally have a woman with me. For me, it has become pointless.
Hello Mariam !!! That does not make any sense. If you would really love me, you'd first come to me. I do not want to wait any longer for you. I want to finally have a woman with me. For me it has become meaningless.
hi mariam. !!that doesn"t make sense. if you really loved me, you"d be come to me first. i don"t want to wait any longer. i want a woman with me. for me, this is all useless.