Feld 1: 1 großes Tor mit Torhüter und 3 Hütchen linien sowie 1 Starthütchen für die Angreifer • Feld 2: 1 Spielfeld mit 2 Dribbellinien • 2 Gruppen bilden und gleichmäßig auf die Felder verteilen
Box of 1: 1 large gate with goalkeeper and 3 Hat lines and 1 start shell for the attacker• Field 2: 1 pitch with 2 lines of dribbling• Form 2 groups and spread evenly on the fields
Field 1: 1 large goal with goalkeeper and 3 cone lines and 1 starting cone for the attacker • Field 2: 1 pitch with 2 lines dribbling • form 2 groups and spread evenly on the fields
box 1: 1 large gate with goalkeeper and three cups of lines and 1 starthütchen for the attacker- field 2: 1 field with 2 dribbellinien- 2 groups and evenly distribute the fields