• Der erste Spieler mit Ball dribbelt gegen den ersten Spieler des anderen Teams zum 1 gegen 1 ins Feld. • Der Ballbesitzer greift jeweils auf die beiden hinteren Minitore an. • Aufgabenwechsel der Teams nach 3 Durchgängen.
The first player dribbles • ball against the first players of the other team to the 1 on 1 in the field.• The owner of the ball attacks each on the two rear mini goals.• Task switching of teams after 3 rounds.
• The first player with ball dribbles against the first player from the other team to 1 against 1 in the field. • The ball owner engages each of the two rear Ministore. • task switching Team after 3 passages.
the first player with ball drives against the first player of the other team to 1 against 1 into the field.- the ballbesitzer is adapted to the two rear minitore.the gear change the team after 3 passages.