tut mir ja leid aber willst du mich verarschen? ersten ich bin ein Mädchen und zweitens okk super das du sowas machst und so aber schicke mir so was nich okk? Und ich gebe dir auch keine Tipps usw.
I'm I'm sorry, but you are kidding me? I am first a girl and second okk super that you're doing something like that and so but send me something not okk? And I will give you any tips, etc.
I'm so sorry but want you kidding me? first I'm a girl and secondly okk great that you're doing something and so but send me something nich okk? And I give no advice, etc.
I am sorry but are you taking the mickey?? First I am a girl, and secondly the OKK super something like that you're doing it and what not to send me so but OKK? And I will give you no tips, etc.