• Der Spieler mit Ball dribbelt ins Feld und passt zum 1 gegen 1 ein. • Der Ballbesitzer trägt den Ball in der Hand und wirft zum 1 gegen 1 ein. • Der ballbesitzende Spieler greift jeweils auf 2 Minitore diagonal gegenüber an.
• The player with the ball dribbles into the box and fits to the 1 on 1.• The owner of the ball carries the ball in their hands and throws to the 1 on 1.The ball-owning player accesses each diagonally opposite • mini goals 2.
• The player with the ball dribbles into the box and fits in the 1 to 1. • The ball owner carries the ball in his hand and throws for 1 to 1 a. • The ball owning player always deals with 2 Ministore diagonally opposite.
- the player dribbles the ball field, and suits for the 1 to 1.- the ballbesitzer carries the ball in hand and raises 1 against 1.- the ballbesitzende player attacks at 2 minitore diagonally across.