Hallo liebe Adonica!!!Ich habe mich sehr über Deine Nachricht gefreut. Übersetzung - Hallo liebe Adonica!!!Ich habe mich sehr über Deine Nachricht gefreut. Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Hallo liebe Adonica!!!Ich habe mich

Hallo liebe Adonica!!!
Ich habe mich sehr über Deine Nachricht gefreut. Ich suche auch eine ernsthafte Beziehung. Wann bist Du jetzt fertig in Afrika? Ich bin von Deinen Zeilen sehr fasziniert.
Deine Worte entsprechen genau meinen Vorstellungen. Mein Motto ist, wie ich schon gesagt habe "leben und leben lassen". Für eine Beziehung ist mir sehr wichtig: Vertrauen, Respekt, Wertschätzung, einander helfen, viel miteinander reden und natürlich viel Liebe
(mit viel Sex).
Ich habe Dir geschrieben, das ich Polizeibeamter in München bin. Ich habe noch einen Nebenjob als Versicherungsmakler (macht mir viel Spaß).
Ich bin im März 2015 aus einer 12-jährigen Beziehung raus gegangen. Es hat einfach nicht mehr gepasst. Das erzähle ich Dir bei einem Treffen ausführlich.
Ich hoffe Du meinst es ehrlich?
Jetzt beantworte ich Dir Deine Fragen:

zu 1. an einer Frau gefällt mir wenn Sie ehrlich, aufrichtig, treu, lieb und hübsch ist.
Sie soll so sein, wie Sie ist. Kein verbiegen, einfach ein normaler Mensch sein.

zu2. vor 6 Monaten war ich Single. Bin immer noch Single. Ich war von 15.07-1985 bis 22.09.2002 verheiratet.

zu3. ich bin wirklich kein Spieler. Ich suche eine feste ehrliche liebe Beziehung.

zu4. mein Vater ist im Juni 1995 (mit 56 Jahren) gestorben. Meine Mutter ist 74 Jahre alt und lebt noch. Ich habe noch 2 jüngere Schwestern.

zu5. ich bin Single!

zu6. ich habe 2 Kinder: Florian (28 Jahre) und Nicole (24 Jahre).

zu7. ich bin im Hauptberuf Polizeibeamter. Der Beruf gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich habe überwiegend Tagesdienst.

zu 8 und 9. ich mache sehr viel Sport: Joggen, Fußball, Fitness und Schwimmen.
Dann habe ich ein Motorrad (so eine Art Chopper) und einen Roller. Wenn ich Zeit habe fahre ich mit einem von beiden über die Dörfer und versuche das Leben so zu nehmen, wie es ist.

zu 10. ich finde diese Plattform (Internet-Dating) einfach scheiße. Da ist so viel Müll unterwegs. Ich wollte mich schon wieder abmelden. Dann bist Du erschienen!!!

zu 11. ich habe meine Frauen ( mit denen ich zusammen war) immer sehr liebevoll, zuvorkommend und mit vollem Respekt behandelt. Die Frau an meiner Seite "trage ich auf Händen".
So wie Du
zu 12. du kannst mir wirklich vertrauen! So, wie Du schreibst bist Du jetzt schon etwas besonderes für mich. Mit so etwas habe ich nicht mehr gerechnet. Bin positiv überrascht.

Freue mich wirklich sehr auf Deine Antwort.
Ganz herzliche liebe Grüße
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Hello dear Adonica!I am very pleased your message. I'm looking for a serious relationship. When are you finished now in Africa? I am very intrigued by your lines.Your words are exactly my idea. My motto is, as I said earlier "live and let live". For a relationship is very important to me: trust, respect, appreciation, help each other, talk much and of course lots of love(with lots of sex).I wrote you, I was police officer in Munich. I got a side job as an insurance broker (makes me happy).I went to the March 2015 from a 12-year relationship out. It has simply no longer fit. I'm telling you this at a meeting in detail.I hope you mean it?Now I will answer your questions:I like to 1 on a woman if she is honest, sincere, loyal, sweet and cute.So, it should be as it is. No bend, just be a normal person.2. 6 months ago I was single. Am still single. I was married from 15.07-1985 to 22.09.2002. zu3. really, I'm not a player. I'm looking for an honest love relationship.zu4. My father died in June 1995 (with 56 years). My mother is 74 years old and is still alive. I have 2 younger sisters.5. I'm single!zu6. I have 2 children: Florian (28 years) and Nicole (24 years).zu7. I am in the main professional of police officer. I really like the job. I have mostly day service.8 and 9 I'm very much sports: jogging, football, fitness, and swimming.I have a motorcycle (as a chopper of kind of) and a scooter. If I have time I'm going with either of the villages and try to take life as it is.to 10 I think this platform (Internet-dating) just sucks. There is so much garbage on the road. I wanted to log out again. Then you appeared!to 11, I've treated my women (which I was) always very loving, courteous and with full respect. At my side "I wear the woman on hands".Just like youto 12, you really can trust me! So, as you write you are already something special for me. I no longer expected with such a thing. Am pleasantly surprised.Look forward very much to your answer.Very warm greetingsHorst
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Dear Adonica !!!
I was very happy about your message. I also looking for a serious relationship. When You are ready now in Africa? I am very intrigued by your line.
Your words are exactly my expectations. My motto is, as I have already said "live and let live". For a relationship is very important to me: trust, respect, appreciation, help each other, talk to each other a lot and of course lots of love
(with a lot of sex).
I wrote to you, I am a police officer in Munich. I have a part-time job as an insurance broker (I really enjoy).
I am in March 2015 a 12-year relationship gone out. It simply no longer fit. I'll tell you in detail at a meeting.
I hope you mean it honestly?
Now I will answer you your questions:. To 1 to a woman like me if you are honest, sincere, loyal, loving and cute you should be as She is. No bend, just be a normal person. Zu2. 6 months ago I was single. Am still single. I was married from 15.07-1985 till 22.09.2002. Zu3. I'm really not a player. Seeking a solid honest love relationship. ZU4. my father is in June 1995 (56 years) died. My mother is 74 years old and still lives. I have 2 younger sisters. ZU5. I'm single! to6. I have 2 children: Florian (28 years) and Nicole (24 years). zu7. I am by profession a police officer. The profession I like very much. I have mostly Tagesdienst. 8 and 9. I'm doing a lot of sports. Jogging, football, fitness and swimming then I have a motorcycle (a kind chopper) and a scooter. When I have time I take one of them on the villages and try to take life as it is. To 10. I find this platform (internet dating) simply sucks. There is so much garbage on the road. I wanted to unsubscribe again. Then Thou hast appeared !!! to 11. I have my women treated always very loving, courteous and with full respect (with whom I was together). The woman at my side, "I carry on hands." Just like you to 12th you can trust me really! So how do you write Now that you're something special for me. With something I had not expected. Am positively surprised. Looking forward to your answer really. Warmest greetings Horst

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
hello dear adonica! !!i'm very pleased about your message. i'm looking for a serious relationship. when you're finished now in africa? i'm your lines very fascinated.your words are just my idea. my motto is, as i have already said, "live and let live". a relationship is very important to me: trust, respect, appreciation, help each other, talk to each other and, of course, a lot of love(with sex).i've written, i am a police officer in munich. i have a day job as an insurance (makes me a lot of fun).i'm in march 2015 from a 12 year relationship went out. it's just not the right fit. i'll tell you about it at a meeting in detail.i hope you mean it, really?now i will answer your questions.1. a woman like me if you were honest, sincere, faithful, kind and beautiful.you to be as it is. do not bend, just a normal person.zu2. six months ago i was single. i'm still single. i was 15.07-1985 to 22.09.2002 married.zu3. i'm really not a player. i'm looking for a solid honest love relationship.operator'3 '. my father is in june 1995 (56 years) died. my mother is 74 years old and is still alive. i have 2 younger sisters.zu5. i'm single.zu6. i have 2 children: florian (28 years) and nicole (24 years).zu7. i'm in the occupation police officer. i like the job very well. i have mostly day tour.8 and 9. i'm very much sports, jogging, football, fitness and swimming.then i got a motorcycle (a kind of chopper) and a roller. if i have time, i'm going with one of two on the villages and try to take life as it is.10. i find this platform (internet dating) just shit. there's so much rubbish on the way. i wanted to call me again. then you appeared! !!11. i have my women (which i was) very lovingly, courteous and with full respect for treatment. the woman at my side "i wear on my hands."like you12. you can really trust. so, as you write, you're already something special for me. so i don't have anything more is expected. i'm surprised.really look forward to your reply.very warm lovehorst
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