Hallo, dieses Buch ist eine Dokumentation über die industrielle Schlachtung und Verarbeitung von Tieren in den dreißiger Jahren und gleichzeitig ein Katalog über Maschinen und Zubehör für diese Verarbeitungsform. Gruß Walter Gapp
Hello, this book is the industrial slaughter and processing of animals in the 1930s, and at the same time a catalogue of machines and accessories for this form of processing a documentary about. Greeting Walter GAPP
Hi, this book is a documentary about the industrial slaughter and processing of animals in the thirties and at the same time a directory of machinery and equipment for this type of processing. Greeting Walter Gapp
Hello, this book is simultaneous a documentation over industrial slaughter and processing of animals in the thirties and a catalog over machines and accessories for this processing form. Greeting Walter Gapp