focus of the exhibition is not only the art exhibits, but also the living crafts. many exhibitors are in place, thus a visit of the traunsee schlösseradvents special experience.among other things, a blacksmith, schönschreiberei, gold plating and be gipsfigruen,'s workshop, carpenter, porzellanmalerei, kerzenziehen on-site, klöppelarbeiten.furthermore, you will find on the market.sweat and blacksmithing, spinning, besenbinder, federkielsticker, manufacture of klosterarbeiten from golddrähten, smoking, motorsägenschnitzen...and: beers for christmas, krippenschnitzer, filztaschen and shoes, toys, wood, adventkränze, weihnachtsgestecke, soaps, oils, and perfumes, jewelry, handicrafts and leather stoffmalerei, unique, hunting knife, embroidered balls, kräuterkuscheltiere, homemade jam, variations in clay and ceramics, works of art of tin, and so on.
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