Ich bin nicht besonders interessiert an Sport aber ich gehe gerne Joggen und mache etwas für meiner Fitness, manchmal frag ich Freunde zum mit laufen wenn ich keine lust hab alleine zu laufen, meistens sind sie aber zu faul
I'm not particularly interested in sports but I like to go jogging and do something for my fitness, sometimes I friends ask to the run with if I have no desire to run, most of the time they are but too lazy
I'm not particularly interested in sports but I like to go jogging and do something for my health, sometimes I ask friends to run with when I've no desire to run alone, mostly they are too lazy
i'm not very interested in sports, but i like to run and do something for my fitness, sometimes i ask friends to run if i don't want to have to walk alone, but they are usually too lazy