Skymax ST 125 (Lizenz-DAX)Chrome Edition - 2 Sitzplätze - 125ccm 5,5 L Übersetzung - Skymax ST 125 (Lizenz-DAX)Chrome Edition - 2 Sitzplätze - 125ccm 5,5 L Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Skymax ST 125 (Lizenz-DAX)Chrome Ed

Skymax ST 125 (Lizenz-DAX)

Chrome Edition - 2 Sitzplätze - 125ccm

5,5 Liter Tank, mit Chrom -Felgen, -Blinker, -Hecklampe & -Gepäckträger

Preis fahrbereit ab MFK Fr. 2'295.-- oder für Fr. 1895.-- zum selber Prüfen inkl. Typengenehmigung!

5 KW, Höchstgeschwindigkeit 89 km/h
125ccm, 1 Zylinder 4-Takt luftgekühlt
Elektronische Zündung
4-Gang mit manueller Kupplung
Start mit Elektrostarter und Kickstarter
Federung vorn:
Federung hinten:
2 Gasdruck Stoßdämpfer
Bremse vorn:
Bremse hinten:
L x B x H: (geklappt)
100 cm
5,5 l
Gewicht / Zuladung:
74 kg / 150 kg

Wie es begonnen hat.

Das Grunddesign, welches bereits 1969 für das erste Dax Modell verwendet wurde, ist so innovativ, dass es sich bis auf kleinere Modifikationen unverändert bis zu dem heutigen Skymax (Dax) hielt und für viele Fans weltweit Kultstatus hat.

Angetrieben wird der Skymax Dax ST 125 durch den luftgekühlten liegenden Einzylinder-Viertaktmotor des KleinkraftradsSS 50 in modifizierter Form. Dieser Einzylindermotor ist mit seinen vielen zahlreichen Varianten der meistproduzierte Viertaktmotor. Anstelle eines Dreigang-Getriebe mit Fliehkraftkupplung das nur im Modell SS 50 zum Einsatz kam, wurde in der rassigen Skymax ST 125 Dax ein manuelles Viergang Getriebe mit Handkupplung verbaut.

Alle Modelle fallen in jeder Hinsicht auf: kleine Räder in der Größe 3,50 x 10 und der Tank ist unter der Sitzbank verborgen. Der Lenker lässt sich umklappen, wodurch der Skymax heute in jeden Van passt und so ist er auch durch sein Leichtgewicht als zusätzlich motorisiertes Gefährt für Camper

und Wohnmobil höchst beliebt. Meist wird er auch zur Pannenhilfe eingesetzt, wenn man mit seinem Auto oder Wohnmobil irgendwo im Abseits stehen geblieben ist. In einigen Grossstädten (z.B. England, Madrid u.s.w.) ist das parkieren mit Camper und Wohnmobil bereits verboten, also geht man mit dem Skymax zur Stadtbesichtigung, diesen man in jeder Strassenecke irgendwo hinstellen kann. Durch den Viertaktmotor ist das Motorengeräusch auch weitaus leiser und für viele Menschen angenehmer als das in den 1970er Jahren schrille Geräusch der Zweitakt-Mopeds. Auffällig ist auch der typische Auspuff, welcher sich, wie sonst nur bei Geländemotorrädern üblich, seitlich nach oben zieht. Die Stückzahlen des noch immer erfolgreich gebauten und mehrfach deutlich weiterentwickelten Triebwerks belaufen sich auf mehr als zehn Millionen. Der Motor wird serienmäßig in Lizenz von Honda hergestellt. Homologiert kommt er in der Schweiz mit bis zu 125 cm3 zum Einsatz und bereitet Freude für Jung und Alt.
Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Skymax ST 125 (license-DAX)

chrome Edition - 2 seats - 125cc

5.5 litre tank, with chrome rims, Blinker, tail lamp of & Porter

price ready to drive from MFK fr. 2'295.--or fr. 1895.--to the own testing including type approval!

5 KW, maximum speed 89 km/h
125cc, 1 cylinder, 4-stroke air cooled
electronic ignition
4-speed manual clutch
chain drive
start system:
starting with electric starter and kick starter
suspension front:
Telescopic fork
rear suspension:
2 gas pressure shock absorbers
front brake:
disc brake
rear brake:
drum brake
L x W x H: (folded)
seat height:
74 cm
. 100 cm
tank contents:
5.5 l
weight / payload:
74 kg / 150 kg

how it started.

the basic design, which in 1969 first Dax model was used for this, is so innovative that it up to the present-day Skymax (DAX) stood unchanged up on minor modifications and has cult status for many fans all over the world.

The Skymax Dax ST 125 through the air-cooled this single cylinder four stroke engine of the KleinkraftradsSS 50 in modified form is driven. This single cylinder engine is the most-produced four-stroke engine with its many many variants. That came only in the model of SS 50 to use instead a three-speed transmission with centrifugal clutch, was the racy Skymax ST 125 Dax a manual four-speed transmission with manual clutch installed.

notice all models in all respects: small wheels in size 3.50 x 10 and the tank is hidden under the seat. The handlebar can be fold up, making the Skymax today fits in every van and he is also due to its light weight as additionally motorized vehicle for campers

and most popular camper. Usually it is used also to the roadside assistance, if it is stopped with his car or caravan somewhere on the sidelines. In some cities (E.g. England, Madrid, etc.) is that parking with campervan and motorhome already banned, so it goes with the Skymax to sightseeing, this can put you somewhere in every street corner. Through the four-stroke engine, the engine noise is more comfortable than the shrill in the 1970s noise of two-stroke mopeds also much quieter and for many people. Remarkable is also the typical exhaust, which, usual, side stretches as otherwise only at dirt bike upwards. The quantities of ever successfully built and several times clearly further developed engine totaled more than ten million. The engine produced in license standard by Honda. Homologated is he used in the Switzerland with up to 125 cm3 and a pleasure for young and old.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Skymax ST 125 (license-DAX) Chrome Edition - 2 Seats - 125 5.5 liter tank, with chrome wheels, turn signals, tail lamp & Porter Price roadworthy from MFK Fr 2,295 -., or for Fr .! 1895 - for self checking, including type-approval Power: 5 KW, maximum speed 89 km / h Engine: 125cc, 1-cylinder 4-stroke air-cooled Ignition: Electronic ignition Translation: 4-speed with manual clutch Drive: chain drive Starting system: Start with Electric starter and kick starter Front suspension: Telescopic fork Rear suspension: 2 gas pressure shock absorbers Front brake: disc brake Rear brake: Drum brake Front Tire: 3.50-10 Rear Tire: 3.50-10 L x W x H (folded) 1550 × 620 (400) × 950 (830 ) mm Seat height: 74cm Wheelbase: 100cm Fuel tank capacity: 5.5 l Weight / Load: 74 kg / 150 kg . has How it started The basic design, which was in 1969 used for the first Dax model is so innovative that it held except for minor modifications unchanged up to the present Skymax (Dax) and for many fans worldwide cult status. Driven is the Skymax Dax ST 125 lying by the air-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke engine of the KleinkraftradsSS 50 in a modified form. This single-cylinder engine with its many many variants of the most produced four-stroke engine. Instead of a three-speed transmission with centrifugal clutch, the 50 was only used in the SS model, a manual four-speed transmission was fitted with hand clutch in the thoroughbred Skymax ST 125 Dax. Models fall on in every respect: small wheels in size 3.50 x 10 and the tank is hidden under the seat. The handlebar can be folded down, making the Skymax today fits in every van and it is also due to its light weight as additional motorized vehicle for campers most popular and camper. Usually it is also used for roadside assistance if you are stopped with his car or camper somewhere offside. In some large cities (eg, England, Madrid, etc) is to park with Camper and RV already banned, so you go with the Skymax for sightseeing, this one can stand up in every street corner somewhere. Thanks to the four-stroke engine, the engine noise is also much quieter and more comfortable for many people as the shrill sound in the 1970s, the two-stroke mopeds. Also striking is the typical exhaust, which, as is usually the only off-road motorcycles, side pulls upward. The numbers of still successfully built and several times higher developed engine amount to more than ten million. The motor is mass-produced under license from Honda. Homologated he comes in Switzerland with up to 125 cm3 for use and a joy for young and old.

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
Skymax ST 125 (license DAX)

Chrome edition - 2 seats - 125ccm

5,5 litre tank, with chrome - rims, - turn signal, - tail lamp & - Gepäckträger

Preis ready to start starting from MFK Fr. 2 ' 295. -- or for Fr. 1895. -- to checking inclusive type approval!

5 KW, maximum speed 89 km/h
125ccm, 1 cylinder 4-beat air-cooled
electronic ignition
4-course with manual clutch
chain drive
starting system:
start with electric starter and kick starter
suspension in front:
telescopic fork
suspension in the back:
2 gas pressure shock absorber
brake in front:
disc brake
brake in the back:
drum brake
front tires:
rear tires:
L x B x H: (folded)
1550× 620(400) × 950(830) mm
seat level:
wheel base:
100 cm
level of fuel in the tank:
5.5 l
weight/additional load:
74 kg/150 kg

Wie it hat.

Das basic design, which 1969 for first DAX the model were already used, so innovative are begun that it kept itself unchanged up to smaller modifications up to the today's Skymax (DAX) and for many fans world-wide to cult status hat.

The Skymax DAX ST 125 is propelled by the air-cooled lying a cylinder four-stroke engine of the KleinkraftradsSS 50 in modified form. This a cylinder engine is with its many numerous variants the usually-produced four-stroke engine. In place of a three-course transmission with centrifugal clutch only in the model the SS 50 to the employment came,became into the racily Skymax ST 125 DAX a manual four-course transmission models verbaut.

Alle with hand clutch to fall in every sense: small wheels in the size of 3.50 x 10 and the tank is under the seat hidden. The steering wheel can be turned down, whereby the Skymax fits today in each Van and like that it is also by its lightweight category as additionally motorized vehicle for Camper

and motor home most likes. Usually it is used also to the breakdown assistance, if one stood still somewhere with its car or motor home in the offside. In some large cities (e.g. England, Madrid etc.) is already forbidden the parkieren with camper and motor home, therefore one goes putting these somewhere with the Skymax for city inspection, one in each street corner can.By the four-stroke engine the engine noise is also by far quieter and for many humans more pleasant than the noise of the two-stroke mopeds shrill in the 1970's. Remarkable is also the typical exhaust, which pulls itself, as usual only with area motorcycles usually, upward laterally.The numbers of items of the still successfully built and several times clearly developed further engine amount to more than ten million. The engine is manufactured in series under license by Honda. Homologiert is used he in Switzerland with up to 125 cm3 and prepares joy for young and Alt.
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