Zum Open-Air-Slam im August hatte Annika zwei Gäste aus Amerika eingel Übersetzung - Zum Open-Air-Slam im August hatte Annika zwei Gäste aus Amerika eingel Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Zum Open-Air-Slam im August hatte A

Zum Open-Air-Slam im August hatte Annika zwei Gäste aus Amerika eingeladen. Die beiden, Kim und Beverly, äußerten sich sehr positiv über die Musik, die vor Beginn der Veranstaltung gespielt wurde. Und sie zeigten sich sehr erstaunt darüber, dass in Deutschland so viel Musik in englischer Sprache gespielt wird. Mit dem folgenden Text möchte ich speziell für die beiden Amis dieses Phänomen erklären. Ich habe ihn zunächst auf Deutsch geschrieben und dann von einem kostenlosen Internet-Übersetzungsprogramm bearbeiten lassen, weil ich meinen Englischkenntnissen dann doch nicht so richtig traute.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Annika had invited two guests from America to the Open-Air slam in August. The two, Kim, and Beverly, commented positively about the music that was played before the start of the event. And they were very surprised about that so much music in English will be played in Germany. With the following text, I would like to explain this phenomenon especially for the two Americans. I let first on German written and then by a free Internet translation program to edit, because I do not really trust my knowledge of English.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
For open-air Slam in August Annika had invited two guests from America. Both Kim and Beverly, are very positive about the music that was played before the event. And they were very surprised that in Germany so much music is played in English. With the following text I want to specifically explain this phenomenon for the two Americans. I first wrote it in German and then can be processed by a free Internet translation program, because then I could not believe my English skills so right.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
To the open air Slam in August Annika had invited two guests from America. The two, Kim and Beverly, expressed themselves very positively over the music, which was played before beginning of the event. And they showed up very surprised over the fact that in Germany so much music in English language is played.With the following text I would like to explain this phenomenon particularly for the two Amis. I wrote it first on German and then from a free Internet translation program work on to let, because I did not trust my command of English so correctly nevertheless then.
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Andere Sprachen
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