Du machst genau das Gegenteil um bei mir zu sein. Ich habe keine Lust länger zu warten. Mache was Du willst. Mit diesem Zustand will ich mich nicht länger abfinden. Es ist leider kein Ende abzusehen.
You are doing exactly the opposite to be with me. I don't want to wait longer.Do what you want. With this condition I want to no longer accept me. There is unfortunately no end to refrain.
You're doing exactly the opposite to be with me. I do not want to wait any longer. Do what you want. With this condition, I do not want to accept longer me. There is no end in sight.
you"re doing exactly the opposite to be with me. i don"t want to wait longer.do what you want. with this state, i want me no longer to accept. unfortunately, it is not a end.