Originally to be regarded as separate genres of photography, here takes on
the advertising photography, the image pattern of press photography. Even the sobriety and
objectivity evocative black and white that dominated the press photography for decades and thereby closely associated with the printing ink and the white of the newsprint, adapted Keyzer for diesel advertising, bearing in mind that the renowned Magnum photographer Carl de Keyzer is a representative of the classical reportage photography, which realized only occasionally advertising orders. Above all, the slogan of the tapes, Respect Your Mom 'ironic look at the significance level of protest, to the image topos of the march taught.
So there are image patterns that already act as characters or symbols, by more abstract contexts as the protest against social norms, the suffering of war victims, visualize the needy population, the joy of the winners, etc.. Since it is precisely the theme of suffering in the press photography particularly present, I would like to explain other examples, the image mediation strategic suffering of the population. As a symbol of hunger, especially to visualize the famines in many African countries, starving and suffering children are very often shown. Two with the, World Press Photo Award '286 excellent press, one from 1980 and the award for Best World Press Photo of the Year picture from 2005, put the suffering through the emaciated hand of a starving child in the picture, which as it were per as Pars Toto for the suffering of the population is (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11).
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