Die Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Sabala ist speziell eine Zahnarztpraxis für Angstpatienten. Die Praxis ist in der Josef- Schregel- Straße in Düren, das ist die Straße, die vom Bahnhof weg direkt in die Innenstadt führt.
the dental practice dr. Sabala is especially a dental practice for anxiety patients. the practice is in the josef-Schregel-road in düren, which is the road that leads directly into the city center away from the train station.
The dental practice of Dr. Sabala is specifically a dentist for fear patients. The practice is Schregel-road in Düren in the Josef-, which is the road that leads from the station away from the city centre.
The dental practice Dr. Sabala is particularly a dental practice for fear patients. Practice is in the Josef Schregel road in Düren, that is the road, which leads away from the station directly into the city center.