• Doppelte Überzahl im 4 gegen 2 spielen. • Überzahl spielt mit maximal 3 Kontakten. • Die Verteidiger haben nach Ballgewinn maximal 10 Sekunden Zeit, um über die Hütchenlinie zu dribbeln.
• Double majority play in the 4-on-2.• Plays power play with up to 3 contacts.• Have the defenders 10 seconds after ball win maximum to dribble over the tree line.
• Double majority in 4 games to 2,. • outnumbered play with up to 3 contacts. • The defenders after winning the ball more than 10 seconds to dribble through the cones line.
- double numbers in 4 to 2.- and playing with a maximum of 3 contacts.- the defenders have to ballgewinn maximum 10 seconds to the hütchenlinie to dribble.