Abb. 46: Adam Stacey: London, 7. Juli 2005. Der U-Bahn-Passagier Adam Stacey fotografiert nach der Bombenexplosion nahe der Kings Cross Station mit dem Handy eines Freundes wie sich Fahrgäste in Sicherheit zu bringen versuchen
Fig. 46: Adam Stacey: London, 7 July 2005. The subway passenger Adam Stacey photograph after theBomb explosion near the Kings Cross Station with the mobile phone of a friend as passengerstry to bring in safety
Fig. 46: Adam Stacey: London, 7 July 2005. The subway passenger Adam Stacey photographed after the bomb explosion near the Kings Cross station with the mobile phone of a friend how passengers trying to get to safety
fig. 46: adam stacey: london, 7. july 2005. the subway passenger, adam stacey photographed after the bomb explosion near kings cross station with the phone a friend how passengers' security try to bring