Sie haben günstige Produkte mit guter Qualität gekauft. Bedampfer ist aus Plastik, das wissen wir schon. Wenn Sie keine Probleme mit dem Bedampfer haben, dann können wir Ihnen das Produkt nicht ersetzen oder weiter helfen.
They bought cheap products of good quality.Spray machine is made of plastic, we already know that.If you have any problems with the spray, then we can not replace the product to you or further help.
They bought cheap products with good quality. Steamer is made of plastic, which we already know. If you have any problems with the steamer, then we can not replace the product or help.
You have bought low cost products with good quality. Bedampfer is made of plastic, which we already know. if you have no problems with the Bedampfer, then we can give you the product does not replace or help.