Vergiss es einfach. Du willst es nicht verstehen. Scheinbar doch nur eine richtige geplante Aktion zum Abzocken. Nichts anderes. Das war es für mich jetzt. Ich antworte jetzt nicht mehr. Ich will jetzt endlich Ruhe haben!!!
Just forget about it. You want to understand it. Apparently only a correct planned action to the gambling. Nothing else. That was it for me now. I no longer answer. I want to finally have peace!
Forget it. You do not want to understand. Seemingly but only one correct action planned for rip-offs. Nothing else. That's it for me now. I no longer answer. I will finally have peace !!!
just forget it. you don"t want to understand. apparently, it is a right action planned for you. nothing else. that was it for me now. i will answer no more. i want to get some peace! !!