Wie soll ich Dir diese letzte Chance geben? Ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr. Ich sehe keinen Sinn darin. Ich warte mehr als 1 Jahr auf Dich, es passiert nichts. Es ist einfach zu Ende. Schick mir mein Geld wieder.
How can I give you this last chance? I just don't want more. I see no point in it. I wait more than 1 year for you, nothing happens. It is easy to end. Send me my money back.
How shall I give you this last chance? I just get tired. I see no point in it. I wait more than 1 year for you, nothing happens. It's easy to end. Send me my money back.
how can i make you this last chance? i was tired. i can"t make sense of it. i"m waiting more than 1 year for you, nothing happens. it"s just too late. give me my money back.