hi, Pashaa. Es ist schön, dass Du Dich meldest. Wie geht es Dir. Erzähle mir etwas von Dir, damit ich Dich besser kennen lernen kann. Freue mich auf eine Antwort von Dir. LG André (Entschuldige. Mein Englisch ist nicht so gut)
Hi, Pashaa. It's nice that you sign. How are you doing. Anything you tell me so that I can know better yourself. Look forward to a reply from you. LG André (sorry. My English is not so good)
hi, Pashaa. It's nice that you get in touch. How are you. Tell something about you, so I can get to know you better. I look forward to an answer from you. LG André (Excuse me. My English is not so good)
hi, pashaa. it's nice that you come forward. how are you. tell me something about you, so i know you more. look forward to a reply from you. lg more sorry. my english is not so good)