• Den Aufbau beibehalten • Mittig zwischen den Minitoren ein weiteres Starthütchen markieren • Die Spieler jedes Teams an jeweils 2 Start hütchen diagonal gegenüber verteilen, wobei die Spieler an einem seitlichen Start hütchen Bälle haben
• Keep the constructionCentered between the mini gates • mark a further start shell2 start diagonal Shell to distribute it to the players of each team • with the players on a side launch balls Hat
• the structure kept • centrally between the Mini gates mark another starting cone • The players of each team on each of 2 Start hütchen diagonal spread over, the players have to start a lateral hat-balls
- the building retained- centered between the minitoren another starthütchen mark- the players of each team at each 2 start hat diagonal to distribute, and players to a side launch balls have hat