Das Du in mich verliebt bist davon merke ich nichts. Ich habe auch nichts davon. Was erwartest Du von mir? Ich will jetzt eine Entscheidung haben. Ich habe keine Lust länger zu warten. Das ist für mich keine Liebe. Ich will mein Geld wieder haben.
In me love you of which I know nothing. I have nothing of it. What do you expect from me? I want to have a decision now. I don't want to wait longer. This is no love for me. I want to have my money back.
That you're in love with me which I feel nothing. I also have none of it. What do you expect from me? I want to have a decision now. I do not want to wait any longer. This is not love for me. I want my money back.
you"re in love with me that i remember nothing. i have nothing of it. what do you want from me? i want a decision now. i don"t want to wait longer. for me, it is not love. i want my money back.