Warum sollte ich auch in Tf noch online sein, es ist eine Dating Seite aber ich habe doch bereits meine Liebe gefunden (Dich lol). Es tut mir leid wenn Du so besorgt warst dir Gedanken oder wenn es dich verletzt hat, sei bitte nicht mehr sauer
Why should I be still online in TF, it is a dating site but I've already found my love (you lol). I'm thinking tired me if you were so worried about friends or if it hurt you, don't please no longer mad
Why should I be online nor in Tf, it is a dating site but I did (lol you) but already found my love. I'm sorry if you were so worried you or if it hurt you thought, please do not be angry anymore
why should i be in tf still online, it's a dating site, but i've already found my love you lol). i'm sorry if you were worried you thoughts or if it has hurt you, please don't be angry anymore