ja sie haben gegeben und ich konnte nicht spielen, auch wenn ich gespielt hätte für ein 3,60 odd muss ich mindesten 100€ wetten das ich Gewinn machen kann, und nach so vielen Betrüger habe nicht soviel geld
Yes they gave and I could not play, even if I would have played for a 3.60 odd I must bet €100 at least that I can make a profit, and after so many scammers have not so much money
yes they have given and I could not play, even if I would have played for a 3.60 odd I must that I can have at least 100 € to bet make a profit, and after so many fraudsters do not have much money
yes they gave and I could not play, even if I had played for 3.60 odd must I least 100€ bets which I profit make can, and after so much cheat so much did not have money