Künstl. Wolken durch Kondensstreifen oder durch Sprühflugzeuge?Haben S Übersetzung - Künstl. Wolken durch Kondensstreifen oder durch Sprühflugzeuge?Haben S Englisch wie soll ich sagen

Künstl. Wolken durch Kondensstreife

Künstl. Wolken durch Kondensstreifen oder durch Sprühflugzeuge?
Haben Sie auch schon beim Blick zum Himmel beobachtet, daß Flugzeuge in diesem Jahr (2005) fast täglich künstliche Wolken über Deutschland (bzw. inzwischen weltweit) erzeugen? Vielleicht ist Ihnen schon aufgefallen, daß

• diese künstlichen Wolken zunächst wie normale Kondensstreifen aussehen, sich aber nicht in wenigen Sekunden oder Minuten auflösen, sondern ständig ausweiten und innerhalb von 20 Minuten bis 2 Stunden weiße Schleierwolken oder auch dichte, zähe Wolkendecken bilden? (wirken zweidimensional-flach im Gegensatz zu echten Wolken)
• meist gleichzeitig mehrere Flugzeuge zu sehen sind, die sich in allen Richtungen bewegen, oft abseits der bekannten Flugrouten?
• die wolkenbildenden 'Kondensstreifen' mehr einer dichten Rauchfahne als den rasch vergehenden 'normalen' Kondensstreifen aus feinen Eiskristallen gleichen?
• diese scheinbaren Kondensstreifen (Pseudokondensstreifen, auch engl. ‚Chemtrails’ genannt) sich in den ersten Minuten entweder mit perlenartigen Ausbuchtungen oder in flockenförmigen, beidseitig begrenzten Streifen ausbreiten?
• die flockenartigen Streifen sich mitunter in ca. 20-40 Minuten in diffuse, formlose Wolken oder wie Schäfchenwolken ausdehnen?
• die perlenschnurartigen Streifen nach 1-2 Stunden verschiedenartigste, disharmonisch wirkende cirrenartige Wolken bilden und danach zu weißlichgrauen, flachen Wolken werden?
• daß parallele und gekreuzte Flugbahnen oft schon in 2-3 Stunden dazu führen, daß sich die überlappenden, immer breiter werdenden Wolkenstreifen zu einer dichten Wolke verschmelzen und die Sonnenlichteinstrahlung massiv verringern?
Welche Erkenntnisse und Patente werden zur Herstellung künstl. Wolken angewendet?
An Klima- und Wettermanipulationen wird schon seit Jahrzehnten geforscht. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden ebenso lange schon für zivile und militärische Zwecke umgesetzt. Berichte und politische Aktionen zeigen, daß es sich bei chemisch erzeugten Flugstreifen (sog. Chemtrails) keinesfalls um haltlose Spekulationen handelt, wie aufmerksame Beobachtungen fast täglich beweisen:
Viele Wissenschaftler, vor allem aus dem IPCC (Intern. Panel on Climate Change) warnen seit den 80er Jahren vor einem unmittelbar drohenden Klimawandel mit vielfältigen globalen katastrophalen Auswirkungen und suchen nach Lösungsmöglichkeiten.
Künstl. Abschirmung vor Sonneneinstrahlung empfahl der wissensch. Ausschuß der 'National Academy of Sciences' in Washington bereits 1992 im Bericht 'Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warning' (2000 veröffentlicht)
1991 wurde ein US-Patent zur Wettermanipulation (Welsbach-Patent) an die Klimaforscher David Chang und I-Fu Shih erteilt. Die Wettermanipulation soll danach durch Bariumsalze mit Aluminiumpulver erfolgen (wie es inzwischen weltweit gemacht wird, s. http://cropfm.mur.at/trails/gabriel/welsbach-patent.pdf)
Dr. Edward Teller ('Vater' der H-Bombe!) empfahl Ende der 90er Jahre als Globalmaßnahme gegen alle o.a. Klimawandelauswirkungen, kleinste Teile von (giftigem) Barium, Alumium, Thorium, Selenium zu ionisieren und in der Atmosphäre durch hochfliegende militärische und zivile Flugzeuge zu versprühen. Dies geschieht inzwischen weltweit.
Wettermodifikation ist integrierter Bestandteil der Maßnahmen gegen Erderwärmung, zur UV-Reduzierung und gegen Klimaänderungen der US Department of Energy (US DOE).
Das CIA-geleitete Projekt 'Cloverleaf' war eine der ersten Operationen mit 'aerosolisierten Schwermetallteilchen'. Ihm folgten verschiedene weitere Operationen, hauptsächlich unter Einbeziehung der US-Airforce und bestimmter ausgewählter Firmen.
Das griechische Parlament setzte 2002 eine parlament. Untersuchungskommission ein, um das Rätsel der künstlichen Wolken durch 'Chemtrails' zu ergründen. Ergebnisse wurden aber geheimgehalten.
Dennis Kucinich, der ehem. demokr. US-Präsidentschaftskandidat leitete 2002 eine US-Kommission, die ein Verbot weltraumgestützter Waffen forderte. Er bestätigte nach Einsicht in vertrauliche US-Airforce-Akten in öffentl. Anhörung 6/2003 die Existenz der 'Chemtrails' (s. www.rense.com/general38/update.htm)
Was sind die Ziele der künstl. Wolkenbildung?

Mit Sprühflügen (Chemtrails) werden offensichtlich sehr viele und sehr verschiedene Ziele angestrebt. Aus vielen Indizien lassen sich trotz aller Geheimhaltung folgende Fakten hinsichtlich gezielter Wetterbeeinflussung (Geo-Engeneering) ableiten:
das versprühte Bariumsalz soll durch Oxidation in der Atmosphäre Kohlendioxid an sich binden und dadurch diese Mitursache der Erderwärmung 'neutralisieren' (bzw. man kann weiterhin Kohlendioxid erzeugen, ohne die eigentlichen CO2-Verursachungen abschaffen zu müssen...)
das Aluminiumpulver soll sowohl Sonnenlicht und UV-Sonnenlicht ins Weltall zurückwerfen als auch Erdwärme in Infrarotwellen umwandeln und ins Weltall ableiten. Beide Effekte sollen die Erdoberfläche abkühlen. (was zwangsläufig die Heizkosten erhöht...)
Ionisiertes Bariumsalz und Aluminiumpulver bilden zusammen ein diffuses elektr. Feld in den künstl. Wolken. Durch sehr energiestarke (sehr) niedrige Frequenzen (VLF- und ELF) können diese elektr. Felder in den Wolken so aufgeladen und manipuliert werden, daß die Wolken verschiedenste Formationen bekommen können. Die elektrostatischen Entladungsvorgänge können 'trockene Stürme' und Gewitter ohne Niederschläge, aber auch Ozon erzeugen, womit das 'Ozonloch' angeblich gestopft werden könne...
je nach chemischem Sprühmaterial kann gezielt Trockenheit und Dürre, sturzflutartige Regenschauer oder auch Hagel erzeugt werden - und damit kann man Schäden erzeugen, ohne daß die Betroffenen handfeste Beweise für Schadensersatzansprüche vorbringen können...
die künstl. Wolken mit ihren elektr. Feldern können für vielfache militärische Zwecke durch verschiedenartigste starke Energieabstrahlungen (z.B. durch HAARP-Anlagen) beeinflusst und als hochwirksame Waffen eingesetzt werden.
multinationale Konzerne versuchen im Verband mit Militär durch das Chemtrailsprojekt die Kontrolle über das Wetter zu erlangen, wie sie es bei Energiereserven, Nahrungsmitteln (Gentech-Food, Saatgut), Wasser (Quellrechte) und Informationstechnologie (Internet, Telefonüberwachung) schon machen.
Sind die künstl. Wolken harmlos?

'Normale' Flugzeugkondensstreifen bilden sich, indem bei mindestens -40 Grad C. und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit Partikelchen der Triebwerksabgase bzw. feine Sprühmaterialien mit Eiskristallen umhüllt werden. Die eisumhüllten Partikel aus Abgasen bzw. Sprühmaterial entscheiden darüber, ob die dadurch entstehenden künstl. Wolken und der Fallout daraus harmlos oder giftig sind.
Aus gesundheitlicher Sicht ist wichtig zu wissen,
daß Jet A-1-Kerosinverbrennungsabgase aus Zivilflugzeugen viele Gifte enthalten, die JP8-Triebwerksabgase aus Militärflugzeugen sogar zahlreiche höchstgiftige, krebsauslösende Bestandteile verbreiten (z.B. Benzol, EDB, Fluoride, Blei etc.)
daß gesundheitsschädliche Bariumsalze und Aluminiumteilchen (ca. eintausendstel Millimeter klein) tonnenweise durch Flugzeuge versprüht werden
daß im Fallout aus diesen künstl. Wolken außer den giftigen/hochgiftigen Kerosinverbrennungsrückständen zusätzlich noch weitere biologische und chemische Gifte gefunden wurden, die in unsere Atemluft, Wasser und Nahrungskette gelangen.
daß ein feinstfasriges Polymer-Gemisch (kleinste, hochklebrige Bestandteile wie Spinnenfäden) als Träger- und Haftsubstanz für Bariumsalze, Alu-Teilchen und viele andere biologische und chemische Sprühbestandteile dient. Diese Polymerfasern mit den darin festgehaltenen chemischen und biologischen Sprühinhalten erzeugen die Wolken-Schlieren und das hartnäckige Zusammenhalten der sich ausdehnenden Eispartikelchen. Sie können versprühte Alu-Partikelchen bis zu einem Jahr in der Luft halten und über größte Distanzen weitertransportieren.
daß die Polymere, sofern sie sich verkleben, als feine, lange weißlich-transparente Fäden bis zum Erdboden sinken (wie dünnste Spinnenfäden evtl. sichtbar bei hellem Licht vor dunklem Hintergrund). Solche giftige Fäden nicht berühren!!
daß nach intensiven, ganztägigen, wolkenbildenden Flugtagen zunehmend mehr Menschen weltweit über Atembeschwerden, brennende Augen, Schwindel, Schwäche, Herz/Kreislaufbeschwerden und teils Bewußtseinstrübungen klagen.
daß ausgerechnet die WHO (World Health Organisation der UNO) das 'Chemtrail-Projekt' billigt und durchführt!! Die WHO rechnet durch das Chemtrail-Projekt mit weltweit jährlich einigen Millionen Toten (vor allem Kindern, Alten und Immungeschwächten) ....
Warum werden diese künstl. Wolkenbildungen geleugnet bzw. totgeschwiegen?

Mittels Frequenzeinwirkungen (z.B. HAARP) auf diese künstl. Wolken lassen sich inzwischen ziemlich zuverlässig Wetter, Klima, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Dürren bzw. Überschwemmungen oder Stürme manipulieren. Auch psychische und geistige Fernbeeinflussungen (Mind-Control) sind möglich. Ist es daher verwunderlich, daß eine so ausgeprägte Geheimniskrämerei um diese Super-Manipulationsmöglichkeiten durch künstliche Wolken und Frequenzen gemacht wird? Dies zeigt sich in vielem, z.B.:
daß Militärtank- und -transportflugzeuge (Boeing) der US-Airforce und der NATO ohne alle Kennzeichen, aber auch große zivile Fluggesellschaften und unbemannte Fluggeräte im UNO-Auftrag diese Sprühaktionen geheim bei Tag und Nacht durchführen (tausendfach fotografiert in USA, Kanada, England, Deutschland, Schweiz, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, Griechenland, Portugal, Kroatien - aber auch in Australien und Afrika...)
daß nicht nur die Urheber, wirtschaftlichen Nutznießer und Ausführenden, sondern auch Politiker jeder etablierten Partei, Presse, Rundfunk und Fernsehen sorgsam bemüht sind, diese Sprühaktionen zu verschweigen, oder alles als 'normale' Wettererscheinungen im Rahmen von Flugstraßen darzustellen
daß Hinweise auf Ziele, Drahtzieher und Verschweigetaktiken als 'Verschwörungstheorie' unglaubwürdig und lächerlich gemacht we
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Kale. Clouds vapour trails or by spray planes?
have you observed even when looking to the sky, that aircraft produce (2005) almost daily artificial clouds over Germany (or worldwide) this year? Perhaps have you noticed, that

• these artificial clouds at first look like normal contrails, but not in a few seconds or minutes dissolve, but constantly expand and within 20 minutes up to 2 hours white cloud or too dense, chewy cloud cover make? (Act two flat in contrast to real clouds)
• to see most at the same time several aircraft that are moving in all directions, often away from the well known flight routes?
• the cloud-forming 'contrails' more a dense plume of smoke as the rapidly passing 'normal' contrails of fine ice crystals same?
• this apparent contrails (called pseudo contrails, also known as 'Chemtrails') spread out in the first few minutes with Pearl-like bulges or flockenförmigen, both sides limited Strip?.• the Flake-like strips sometimes in 20-40 minutes in diffuse, amorphous cloud or as fleecy clouds stretching?
• varied and discordant cirrenartige clouds make the beads cord-like Strip after 1-2 hours and then become whitish-grey, flat clouds?
• that crossed and parallel trajectories cause hours often within 2-3,. massively reduce the overlapping, ever-widening strip of cloud to a dense cloud to melt together and the sunlight?
which discoveries and patents are künstl to produce. Applied cloud?
climate and weather manipulation will be researched for decades. The findings be implemented just as long for civilian and military purposes. Reports and political actions show that it never is chemically produced flight Strip (so-called Chemtrails) groundless speculation, as shown by the attentive observation almost daily:
many scholars, mainly from the IPCC (internally. Panel on climate change) warn of an imminent climate change with diverse global catastrophic since the 1980s and are looking for solutions.
kale. Shielding from sunlight recommended the developm. Committee of the ' National Academy of Sciences' in Washington as early as 1992 in the report policy implications of greenhouse warning' (published in 2000)
1991 was granted a US patent for the weather manipulation (Welsbach patent) on the climate scientists David Chang and I-Fu Shih. The weather manipulation should be then by barium salts with aluminum powder (how it is done worldwide, s.) http://cropfm.Mur.at/trails/Gabriel/welsbach-patent.PDF)
Dr. Edward Teller ('father' of the H-bomb!) recommended late 90's as a global measure against all o.a. climate change impact, smallest parts of (toxic) barium, to ionize Alumium, thorium, selenium and spray into the atmosphere by high-flying military and civilian aircraft. This is happening now all over the world.
.Weather modification is an integral part of the measures against global warming, UV reduction and climate change of the US Department of energy (US DOE).
the CIA led project 'Cloverleaf' was one of the first operations with 'aerosolisierten heavy metal particles'. Several more operations followed him mainly under inclusion of the US air force and certain selected companies.
2002, the Greek Parliament was a Parliament. A Commission of inquiry, to fathom the mystery of the artificial clouds by 'Chemtrails'. But the results were coded.
Dennis Kucinich, who former demokr. U.S. presidential candidate led a U.S. Commission, 2002 called for a ban on space-based weapons. He confirmed after insight in sensitive U.S. air force acts in public. Hearing 6/2003 the existence of 'Chemtrails' (see www.rense.com/ general38/update.htm)
what are the objectives of the Kale. Cloud formation?

with spraying flights (Chemtrails) obviously very many and very different aim at. From many indications, following facts with regard to targeted weather influence (geo engineering) can be derived despite all secrecy:
sprayed barium salt to oxidation in the atmosphere carbon dioxide itself and thereby 'neutralizing' the cause of global warming (or you can continue to create carbon dioxide, without having... to abolish the actual CO2 uses)
the aluminum powder should both reflect sunlight and UV sunlight into space as also geothermal energy transform in Infrared waves and derive in the universe. Both effects should cool the Earth's surface. (which inevitably increases the heating costs...)
Ionized salt of barium and Aluminum powder together form a diffuse Electr. Field in the Kale. Clouds. By strong energy (very) low frequencies (VLF - and eleven), they can elect. Fields in the clouds to be charged and manipulated, that the cloud can get a variety of formations. The electrostatic discharge operations can produce 'dry storms' and thunderstorm without rain, but also ozone, What could... supposedly pushed the 'ozone hole'
depending on the chemical spray material dryness and drought, flood-like rain or hail also can be generated specifically and thus you can create damage, without that the persons concerned can... present hard evidence for claims for damages
the Kale. Clouds with Electr. Fields can be influenced by various strong energy emissions (E.g. from HAARP installations) for multiple military purposes and as a highly effective weapons.
multinationals try to gain control over the weather, as in the association with military by the Chemtrailsprojekt in energy reserves, food (GM food, seed), Water (source rights) and information technology (Internet, telephone tapping) already make.
are künstl. Clouds harmless?

'Normal' aircraft contrails are formed by particles of the engine exhaust gases or fine spray materials with ice crystals are engulfs at least-40 degrees c and high humidity. The ice-coated particles from exhaust gases or Spray material to decide whether the thus resulting kale. Clouds and the fallout from it are harmless or poisonous.
From a health perspective, it is important to know
that Jet A 1-kerosene combustion fumes from civil aircraft contain many toxins, JP8 engine exhaust from military aircraft spread even many highly toxic, cancer-causing ingredients (E.g. benzene, EDB, Fluoride, lead, etc.)
that harmful salts of barium and aluminum particles (about one-thousandth of a millimetre small) tons of aircraft be sprayed
that Kale in the fallout from these. Clouds except the poisonous/toxic kerosene combustion residues also have more biological and chemical poisons were found in our breath, Water and food enter.
a feinstfasriges polymer mixture (smallest, high sticky components such as spinning threads) is used as carrier and sticky substance for Barium salts, aluminium particles and many other biological and chemical components of spray. These polymer fibers create the streaks of clouds and the stubborn hold together the sprawling ice particles with the chemical and biological spraying content therein set forth. They can keep sprayed aluminium particles up to a year in the air and further transport over most distances.
that the polymers, if they stick themselves as fine, long whitish transparent threads drop to the ground (such as the thinnest strands) may be visible in bright light against dark background. Do not touch such poisonous threads!
that after intensive, day-long, cloud-forming days more and more people worldwide about respiratory problems, burning eyes, dizziness, weakness, heart/circulatory problems and partly clouding of consciousness complaining.
.that calculated the WHO (World Health Organization of the United Nations) approves the 'Chemtrail 'project and performs! The WHO anticipates the Chemtrail project worldwide every year, several million dead (mainly children, old and Immungeschwächten)...
why they are künstl. Cloud formations denied or hushed up?

Kale means frequency effects (such as HAARP) on this. Clouds can be now fairly reliable weather, climate, humidity, drought or floods or storms are manipulating. Psychological and mental distance influences (mind control) are possible. Is it therefore surprising that a pronounced so secrecy to this super manipulations is made by artificial clouds and frequencies? This is reflected in many ways, for example:
that military tank and transport aircraft (Boeing), the US air force and NATO without all the earmarks, but also major civilian airlines and unmanned aircraft on behalf of UN secret take these spray action day and night (thousands of times photographed in United States, Canada, England, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Croatia - but also in Australia and Africa...)
that not only the copyright, economic beneficiary and performers, but also politicians of any established party, press, radio and television carefully committed are, to conceal this spray actions, or to represent anything as 'normal' weather phenomena in the framework of Flugstraßen
that information on objectives, Mastermind and Verschweigetaktiken as 'Conspiracy theory' implausible and ridiculed we
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
Synth. Clouds of vapor trails or by crop dusters?
Have you ever observed by looking at the sky that airplanes in this year (2005) almost daily artificial clouds over Germany (and now worldwide) produce? Perhaps you've noticed that • these artificial clouds at first look like normal contrails, but does not dissolve in a few seconds or minutes, but constantly expand and form within 20 minutes to 2 hours white clouds or dense, chewy cloud cover? (Act two-dimensional flat unlike real clouds) • most simultaneously several planes can be seen that move in all directions, often off the beaten routes? • the clouds forming 'contrails' more of a dense plume of smoke as the rapidly passing away 'normal' ? contrails of fine ice crystals same • these apparent contrails (. Pseudokondensstreifen, also eng, chemtrails called ') propagate in the first few minutes either with pearl-like bumps or flaky, bound on both sides stripes? • the flake-like strip is sometimes in about 20 - extend for 40 minutes in diffuse, shapeless clouds or fluffy clouds? • the pearl necklace-like strip after 1-2 hours most diverse, discordant acting cirrenartige clouds form and to whitish gray then be flat clouds? • that parallel and crossed trajectories often within 2-3 hours cause the overlapping, ever-widening bands of clouds merge to form a dense cloud and reduce the sunlight massively? What knowledge and patents are artificial for the production. Applied clouds? On climate and weather manipulation is researched for decades. The findings are already implemented for civil and military purposes as long. Reports and political actions show that it in no way concerns with chemically generated flight strips (so-called chemtrails) to baseless speculation, as attentive observations prove almost daily: Many scientists, especially from the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) have been warning the 80 years ago an imminent threat of climate change with diverse global catastrophic effects and look for possible solutions. Synth. Shielding against solar radiation recommended that the Scientific. Committee of the 'National Academy of Sciences' in Washington in 1992 in the 'Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warning' report (published in 2000) In 1991, a U.S. patent for weather manipulation (Welsbach patent) issued to the climatologist David Chang and I-Fu Shih. The weather manipulation should then be made ​​by barium salts with aluminum powder (as it has been done around the world, see http://cropfm.mur.at/trails/gabriel/welsbach-patent.pdf) Dr. Edward Teller ('father' of the H-bomb!) Recommended the late 90s as a global measure against all of the above climate change impacts, the smallest parts of (toxic) barium, Alumium, Thorium, Selenium ionize and in the atmosphere by high-flying military and civilian aircraft spray. This is now the world. Weather modification is an integral part of the measures against global warming, UV reduction and against climate change the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE). , the CIA-led project 'Cloverleaf' was one of the first operations with 'aerosolized heavy metal'. He was followed by several other operations, mainly involving the U.S. Air Force and certain selected companies. , the Greek parliament sat in 2002 a parliament. Commission of inquiry to investigate the mystery of artificial clouds by 'chemtrails'. Results had been kept secret. Dennis Kucinich, the former Dem. U.S. presidential candidate a U.S. commission, which called for a ban on space-based weapons introduced in 2002. He confirmed having considered confidential U.S. Airforce files in public. Hearing 6/2003 the existence of 'chemtrails' (see www.rense.com/general38/update.htm) What are the objectives of the artificial. Cloud formation? With Sprühflügen (chemtrails) are obviously very many and very different objectives sought. From many indications following facts regarding specific weather modification (Geo-Engineering) are derived in spite of all the secrecy: the sprayed barium salt is to prevent oxidation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide per se and thereby 'neutralize' this contributing cause of global warming (or you can continue to produce carbon dioxide without the need to abolish the actual CO2 causation ...) the aluminum powder should reflect both sunlight and UV sunlight into space as also convert geothermal energy into infrared waves and derive into space. Both effects are to cool the Earth's surface. (Which inevitably increases the cost of heating ...) Ionized barium and aluminum powder together form a diffuse elec. Field in the artificial. Clouds. Due to very strong energy (very) low frequencies (VLF and ELF), these elec. Fields in the clouds are charged and manipulated so that the clouds can get a wide variety of formations. The electrostatic discharge processes can 'dry storms' and thunder without rain, but also ozone produce, making the 'ozone hole' is allegedly to be stuffed ... depending on the chemical spray material can be specifically drought and drought, torrential rain or hail are generated - and thus can cause damage without the person concerned may submit solid evidence for claims for damages ... the artificial. Clouds with their elec. Fields can be manipulated and used as a highly effective weapon for multiple military purposes by most diverse high energy radiations (by HAARP facilities eg). multinationals try in association with the military through the Chemtrailsprojekt control over the weather to gain, as they in energy reserves, food (GM-food, seeds), water (source rights) and information technology (Internet, telephone monitoring) already do. Are the artificial. Clouds harmless? 'Normal' Flugzeugkondensstreifen formed by C. and high humidity particles of the engine exhaust gases or fine spray materials are coated with ice crystals at least -40 degrees. The eisumhüllten particles from exhaust gases or spray material to decide whether the resulting artificial. Clouds and the fallout from them are harmless or toxic. From a health perspective is important to know that Jet A-1 kerosene combustion gases from commercial aircraft contain many toxins that JP8 engine exhaust from military aircraft even numerous highly toxic, carcinogenic ingredients spread (eg benzene, EDB, fluorides, lead, etc.) that barium and aluminum particles harmful (approx. thousandth of a millimeter are small) sprayed tons by aircraft that the fallout from these artificial. Clouds except the toxic / highly toxic kerosene combustion residues, further biological and chemical toxins were found in addition that enter our air, water and food chain. that a feinstfasriges polymer mixture (smallest, high tack ingredients such as spider webs) as carrier and adhesive substance for barium, aluminum particles, and many other biological and chemical Sprühbestandteile serves. These polymer fibers held therein chemical and biological Sprühinhalten generate the cloud streaks and stubborn holding together the expanding Eispartikelchen. You can keep sprayed aluminum particles up to a year in the air and further transported over greater distances. that the polymers, provided that they adhere to, as a fine, long whitish-transparent threads to the ground sink (as thinnest cobwebs possibly visible in bright light against a dark background). Do not touch Such toxic threads! that sue for an intensive, full-time, cloud-forming air days more and more people around the world about breathing difficulties, burning eyes, dizziness, weakness, cardiac / circulatory problems and partly consciousness clouding. that of all the WHO (World Health Organization of the UN), the ' chemtrail project 'approves and performs! The WHO estimates by the chemtrail project with several million worldwide annually dead (especially children, the elderly and immunocompromised) .... Why are these artificial. Cloud formations denied or silenced? means of frequency effects (eg HAARP) to this artificial. Clouds can be grown quite reliably manipulate weather, climate, humidity, drought or floods or storms. Also, mental and spiritual remote influences (Mind Control) are possible. Is it any wonder that such a distinct secrecy is made ​​to these super-manipulation by artificial clouds and frequencies? This is evident in many ways, for example: that military tank and transport aircraft (Boeing), the U.S. Air Force and NATO to perform without all the hallmarks, but also large commercial airlines and unmanned aircraft in the UN mission this spraying secret by day and night (a thousand times photographed in USA, Canada, England, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Croatia - but also in Australia and Africa ...) that not only the author, economic beneficiaries and contractors, but also politicians, each established party, the press, radio and television are great pains to conceal this spraying, or represent anything as 'normal' weather phenomena in the context of flight paths that references to goals, mastermind and Verschweigetaktiken as 'conspiracy theory' discredited and ridiculous we

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
Künstl. Clouds by vapor trails or by spraying airplanes? do you
Haben already with the view to the sky observed that airplanes produce nearly daily artificial clouds over Germany (and/or in the meantime world-wide) in this year (2005)? Perhaps already it noticed to you that

• these artificial clouds first like normal vapor trails look,however in a few seconds or minutes do not dissolve, but constantly expand and within 20 minutes until 2 hours white veil clouds or also close, tough cloud covers form? (work two-dimensional-flat contrary to genuine clouds)
• several airplanes to see usually at the same time are, which move in all directions, often off the well-known air lanes?
• the cloud-forming 'vapor trails' more a close smoke trail than the rapidly passing 'normal' vapor trails from fine ice crystals resemble?
• these apparent vapor trails (pseudo vapor trail, also English ‚Chemtrails' mentioned) in the first minutes either with pearly projections or in flockenförmigen, reciprocally limited strips spread?
• the flake-like strips every now and then in approx. 20-40 minutes into diffuse, informal clouds or like fleecy clouds expand?
• the perlenschnurartigen strips after 1-2 hours most different, disharmonisch working cirrenartige clouds form and afterwards to whitish-grey, flat clouds become?
• that parallel and crossed flight paths often already lead in 2-3 hours to it,that the overlapping, ever more broadly becoming cloud strips merge into a close cloud and substantial reduce the sunlight irradiation?
Welche realizations and patents become the production künstl. Clouds applied?
An climatic and weather manipulations already for decades one researches.The won realizations are just as for a long time already converted for civilian and military purposes. Reports and political actions show that it does not concern during chemically produced flight strip (so-called Chemtrails) under any circumstances groundless speculations, as attentive observations prove nearly daily:
Viele scientists, particularly from the IPCC (internal.Panel on Climate CHANGE) warn for the 80's before a directly threatening climate change with various global catastrophic effects and look for Lösungsmöglichkeiten.
Künstl. Screen against sun exposure recommended wissensch.Committee 'national of the Academy OF Sciences' in Washington 1992 in the report 'Policy Implications OF Greenhouse warning' (2000 published)
1991 was already given a US-patent for weather manipulation (wels brook patent) to the climatologists David Chang and I-Fu Shih. The weather manipulation is to take place thereafter via barium salts with aluminum powder (like it in the meantime, S. is made world-wide.http://cropfm.mur.at/trails/gabriel/welsbach-patent.pdf)
Dr. Edward Teller ('father' of the H-bomb!) recommended end of the 90's as global measure against all o.a. Climate change effects, smallest parts of (poisonous) barium, Alumium, thorium, to ionize and spray in the atmosphere by high-flying military and civilian airplanes Selenium. This happens in the meantime weltweit.
Weather modification is an integrated component of the measures against global warming, for UV reduction and against climatic changes of US department OF Energy (US DOE).
Das CIA led project 'Cloverleaf' was one of the first operations with 'aerosolized heavy metal particles'. Different further operations followed it,mainly including the US-Airforce and certain selected Firmen.
Das Greek parliament set a parliament for 2002. Commission of inquiry, in order to fathom the mystery of the artificial clouds by 'Chemtrails'. Results became however geheimgehalten.
Dennis Kucinich, ehem. demokr. US president shank candidate led 2002 a US-commission,a prohibition of space-based weapons demanded. It confirmed after insight into confidential US-Airforce-documents in öffentl. Hearing 6/2003 the existence of the 'Chemtrails' (S. www.rense.com/general38/update.htm)
Was are the goals künstl. Cloud formation?

Mit spraying flights (Chemtrails) obviously a great many and very different goals are aimed at.From many indications the following facts can be derived regarding purposeful weather influence (Geo Engeneering) despite all secrecy:
das sprayed barium salt is by oxidation in the atmosphere carbon dioxide to actually bind and thus this concurring cause of global warming 'to neutralize' (and/or one can produce further carbon dioxide,without the actual CO2 causing to abolish to have…)
das aluminum powder is to throw both sunlight and UV sunlight back into the universe and convert and into the universe derive terrestrial heat into infrared waves. Both effects are the earth's surface cooling. (which increases inevitably the heating costs…)
Ionisiertes barium salt and aluminum powders form together a diffuse electrical.Field in künstl. Clouds. By very energy-strong (very much) low frequencies (VLF and ELF) these electrical fields in the clouds can be loaded and manipulated in such a way that the clouds can get most diverse formations. The electrostatic unloading procedures can produce 'dry storms' and thunderstorms without precipitation, in addition, ozone,with which the 'ozone hole' can be plugged allegedly…
depending upon chemical spraying material can aimed drynesses and drought, sturzflutartige rainstorms or also hail is produced - and thus one can produce damage, without the concerning strong proofs for claims for damages can state…
die künstl. Clouds with their electrical.Fields can try for multiple military purposes by most different strong energy radiations (e.g. by HAARP plants) affected and as highly effective weapons begun werden.
multinationale companies in the federation with military by the Chemtrailsprojekt control of the weather to attain, like them it with energy reserves, food (Gentech Food, seeds),Water (source rights) and information technology (Internet, telephone monitoring) already machen.
Sind künstl. Clouds harmlessly?

'Normale' airplane vapor trails form, by with at least -40 degrees C. and high air humidity Partikelchen of the engine exhaust gases and/or fine spraying materials with ice crystals to be coated. The ice-coated particles from exhaust gases and/or.It decides spraying material on the fact whether by it the developing künstl. Clouds and the fall out from it harmless or poisonous are.
Aus health view important to know,
daß jet A-1-Kerosinverbrennungsabgase from civil aircraft many poisons is contained, which spread JP8-Triebwerksabgase from military aircraft even numerous maximumpoisonous, cancer-releasing components (e.g. benzene, EDB,Fluorides, lead etc.) barium salts and aluminum particle
daß injurious to health (approx. in-thousandth millimeter small) by the ton by airplanes sprays werden
daß in the fall out from these künstl. Clouds except the poisonous/high-poisonous kerosene combustion residues additionally still further biological and chemical poisons were found, those into our breathing air,Water and food chain gelangen.
daß a feinstfasriges polymer mixture (smallest, high-sticky components such as spider threads) as carrier and detention substance for barium salts, aluminum particles and many other biological and chemical spraying components serve.These polymer fibers with chemical and biological spraying contents held in it produce themselves the cloud streaks and persistent holding of the expanding Eispartikelchen together. They can hold sprayed aluminum Partikelchen up to one year in air and over largest distances weitertransportieren.
daß the polymers, if they stick themselves together, as if purify,long whitish-transparent threads up to the ground sink (like thinnest spider threads possibly visibly with bright light before dark background). Such poisonous threads do not affect!!
daß after intensive, all day, cloud-forming flight days increasingly more humans world-wide over breath complaints, burning eyes, frauds, weakness, heart/cycle complaints and partly consciousness cloudings klagen.
that calculated the WTO (World Health organization of the UN) the 'Chemtrail project' approves of and accomplishes!! The WTO counts by the Chemtrail project on world-wide annually unite millions dead (above all children, old persons and immunocompromised)….
Warum these become künstl. Cloud formations denied and/or hushed up?

Mittels frequency effects (e.g. HAARP) on these künstl.Clouds can rather reliably be manipulated in the meantime weather, climate, air humidity, drought and/or inundations or storms. Also psychological and mental remote influences (Mind control) are possible. Is it amazing from there that a in such a way minted secretiveness is made around these supermanipulation possibilities by artificial clouds and frequencies?This shows up in much, e.g.:
daß military tank and - transport aircrafts (Boeing) the US-Airforce and NATO without all characteristics, in addition, large civilian airlines and unmanned aircraft in the UN order these spraying actions at day and night would secretly drive through (thousandfold Canada, England, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Greece photographs in the USA,Portugal, Croatia - in addition, in Australia and Africa…)
daß not only the authors, economical beneficiary and implementing, but also politician of an each established party, press, broadcast and television are carefully endeavored to conceal these spraying actions or everything as 'normal' meteorological phenomena in the context of flight routes darzustellen
daß referring to goals,Wire-puller and concealing tactics as 'conspiracy theory' improbably and ridiculously made incoming goods
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