my dearest aamy, your mail has made me really happy. you make my heart beat faster. aamy, i want you. i want to be with you, and if we really understand, so i want to live with you. i would also like you, that we will still be in this month. but it is not so, as you have proposed. you know, we have only our photos and our emails. we have not yet seen in front of a camera. i"ll make you a proposal. i"ll pay you the whole ticket, you don"t need any money. lend you the money for the ticket, and if you pick up from the airport, and then we transfer the borrowed money, plus 20 percent to the lender. i think that is a very good solution. think of you, my honey. i wish so much that we meet, because i have already fallen in love with you.aamy, i wish you a very good week. do good to you. i kiss your sweet lips with great passion. i always think of you and get your answer impatiently waiting.... klaus
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