In Don McCullins image is different, though, as Dayna Smith and Hocineless stressed the restrained grief as the drama. Easily moved from the center of the image to the left we see a woman whose distorted face und their struggling hands as an expression of their pain and desperation are to read. It is held by two women, while a young boy, whose miming also testifies to despair, extending his left arm after her and touched her hands. In the background are other people to recognize, among them a more cryingWoman holding a child in her arms, as well as several people who appear more as an observer of the scene. Even though the grieving wife appears slightly offset to the left from the center of the image, so it can be but realize as a gesture figure 302, whose image Central Dominanz is characteristic for a language aimed at affective values. About their posture, gesture, and facial expression, such figures embody certain, beyond the specific context, symbolic meanings as it were on her body and become the embodiment of emotion as in McCullins photography.The pathos formula of the female figure of the gesture, in contrast to the Marienikonografieinstead of quiet mourning a dramatic gesture of despair expressedAfter he brings, Micha Bar Ams, is pointedly in a photograph that the massacreof 1,500 Palestinians on September 16, 1982 in Sabra and Shatila refugee camprecorded (fig. 18). In the center of the image is to recognize that a headscarf-wearing womanfar extending both arms in a dramatic gesture. Her face is schmerzverzerrt, theMouth wide open, half-closed eyes. The shock and sorrow as an emotional symbolism, which is further enhanced by the evoke of a Synaesthetic perception convey in this gesture of horror. The open mouth synaesthetically refers to the plaintive crying or screaming of mourners. Like this works in Edvard Munchs's famous painting ' the scream 1893 (fig. 19), that immediately brought the phenomenon of fear and despair art history about the horror of the gesture and the emotional symbolism like hardly another painting to the expression.
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