In O'Reilly's photography takes the hand of a small child with a seeking helpGesture to the mouth of a woman, who - learn how we over the caption - whichThe child's mother is and whose face was recorded in full format, so that by theIs not more than the hand to recognize child. The 15 years older shows in theClose the White hand of an adult, the emaciated, drought hand aChild has access. As we can see from the caption, isthe White hand as a missionary of the camera with the kind of gesture, in which he took the small hand, appears to show the consequences of hunger.Also a picture of the press agency AP, that on the occasion of the escalating conflict in theLebanon on July 22 and 23, 2006 in the Hamburger Abendblatt ' published, providesthe suffering of the population through abstracting and symbolizing pattern (fig. 12).An old woman is in the foreground, with dark clothing, their veiled woman,dirty arms and hands to help pleading in the height stretch. In the background isa destroyed road train to recognize. The gesture of the woman pleading for help and theDevastation in the background has become an iconographic sign of helplessness, which is bound to a specific location. Insight alone the caption indicates that the 77-year-old woman is in Beirut. This photograph from the Lebanon follows certain image schemas, that culturally learned to convey the image of helplessness and that give us the situation in disaster and conflict zones very often in a similar form. Through their constant repetition, these Bildereher have become symbols that they convey a concrete testimony of the photography.
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