In O’Reillys Fotografie greift die Hand eines kleinen Kindes mit einer Übersetzung - In O’Reillys Fotografie greift die Hand eines kleinen Kindes mit einer Englisch wie soll ich sagen

In O’Reillys Fotografie greift die

In O’Reillys Fotografie greift die Hand eines kleinen Kindes mit einer hilfesuchenden
Geste an den Mund einer Frau, die – wie wir über die Bildunterschrift erfahren – die
Mutter des Kindes ist und deren Gesicht formatfüllend aufgenommen wurde, sodass vom
Kind nicht mehr als die Hand zu erkennen ist. Die 15 Jahre ältere Fotografie zeigt in der
Nahsicht die weiße Hand eines Erwachsenen, die die ausgemergelte, dürre Hand eines
Kindes gegriffen hat. Wie wir wiederum der Bildunterschrift entnehmen können, erweist
sich die weiße Hand als die eines Missionars, der der Kamera mit der Art der Geste, in der er die kleine Hand ergriffen hat, die Folgen des Hungers zu zeigen scheint.
Auch ein Bild der Presseagentur AP, das anlässlich des eskalierenden Konflikts im
Libanon am 22./23. Juli 2006 im ,Hamburger Abendblatt‘ veröffentlicht wurde, vermittelt
das Leid der Bevölkerung über abstrahierende und symbolisierende Bildmuster (Abb. 12).

Im Bildvordergrund befindet sich eine alte, mit dunkler Kleidung verhüllte Frau, die ihre
schmutzigen Arme und Hände um Hilfe flehend in die Höhe streckt. Im Hintergrund ist
ein zerstörter Straßenzug zu erkennen. Die Geste der um Hilfe flehenden Frau und die
Verwüstung im Hintergrund sind zu einem ikonografischen Zeichen der Hilflosigkeit geworden, das an keinen konkreten Ort gebunden ist. Allein der Bildunterschrift gibt Aufschluss darüber, dass sich die 77 Jahre alte Frau in Beirut befindet. Diese Fotografie aus dem Libanon folgt bestimmten Bildschemata, die kulturell gelernt das Bild der Hilflosigkeit transportieren und die uns in ähnlicher Form sehr häufig die Situation in Katastrophen- und Konfliktgebieten vermitteln. Durch ihre stete Wiederholung sind diese Bildereher zu Symbolen geworden, als dass sie eine konkrete Zeugenschaft der Fotografie vermitteln.

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
In O'Reilly's photography takes the hand of a small child with a seeking helpGesture to the mouth of a woman, who - learn how we over the caption - whichThe child's mother is and whose face was recorded in full format, so that by theIs not more than the hand to recognize child. The 15 years older shows in theClose the White hand of an adult, the emaciated, drought hand aChild has access. As we can see from the caption, isthe White hand as a missionary of the camera with the kind of gesture, in which he took the small hand, appears to show the consequences of hunger.Also a picture of the press agency AP, that on the occasion of the escalating conflict in theLebanon on July 22 and 23, 2006 in the Hamburger Abendblatt ' published, providesthe suffering of the population through abstracting and symbolizing pattern (fig. 12).An old woman is in the foreground, with dark clothing, their veiled woman,dirty arms and hands to help pleading in the height stretch. In the background isa destroyed road train to recognize. The gesture of the woman pleading for help and theDevastation in the background has become an iconographic sign of helplessness, which is bound to a specific location. Insight alone the caption indicates that the 77-year-old woman is in Beirut. This photograph from the Lebanon follows certain image schemas, that culturally learned to convey the image of helplessness and that give us the situation in disaster and conflict zones very often in a similar form. Through their constant repetition, these Bildereher have become symbols that they convey a concrete testimony of the photography.
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
In O'Reilly's photography the hand of a small child engages a person seeking help
gesture to the mouth of a woman who - as we learn about the caption - which
is the child's mother and whose face was taken up full frame, so that the
child is not more than the hand can be seen. The 15 years his senior photograph shows in
near vision, the white hand of an adult, the emaciated, parched hand of
has resorted child. As we turn, refer to the caption turns
the white hand than that of a missionary, the camera with the kind of gesture in which he has taken the little hand, seems to show the effects of famine.
Even a picture of the press agency AP on the occasion of the escalating conflict in
Lebanon on 22 / 23rd July 2006, the Hamburger Abendblatt 'was published, conveyed
the suffering of the population through abstracting and symbolizing pattern (Fig. 12). In the foreground there is an old, veiled with dark clothes woman covering her pleading for help in dirty arms and hands, the height stretched. In the background is a destroyed road train to recognize. The gesture of pleading for help woman and the devastation in the background have become an iconographic symbol of helplessness, which is not tied to any particular location. Only the caption informs about the fact that 77-year-old woman is in Beirut. This photograph from Lebanon follows certain image schemata, learned culturally transporting the image of helplessness and often give us in a similar way the situation in disaster and conflict areas. Through their constant repetition, these images have become symbols rather than that they give a concrete testimony of photography.

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
in o'reilly's photography takes the hand of a small child with a gesture to help the mouth of a woman, which, as we know, the caption, the "mother of the child and the face formatfüllend was recorded so that the" child no more than the hand is apparent. the 15 years old photograph is in the nahsicht the white hand of an adult.the ausgemergelte, drought a
child use. as we can see in the caption, "the white hand, as a missionary, the camera with the nature of the gesture, in which he took the little hand, the consequences of hunger appears to be a picture of the press agency. the ap on the occasion of the escalating conflict in the lebanon on 22. / july 2006, the hamburger abendblatt "was published, and the suffering of the population of the abstrahierende and football and jogging bildmuster (figs. 12).

in the foreground is an old, dark clothes disguised (the 'dirty hands imploringly for help in the heights. in the background is the address block to recognize.the gesture of help and pleading woman and the devastation of the background to a ikonografischen sign of helplessness, which is bound to a specific place. the legend tells that the 77 year old woman is in beirut. this photograph from lebanon follows certain bildschemata,
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