Mir geht es gut ich hoffe dir auch , leider kann ich kin English schreibe über einen Translator in Skype , daher wäre gut wenn du ach Skype hättest da kann man besser schreiben , mein Name in Skype ist hansi1024
I'm good I hope also, unfortunately I can kin English writing on a translator in Skype, so would be good if you Oh had Skype since you can write better, my Skype name is hansi1024
I'm fine, I hope you also, unfortunately I can kin English write a Translator in Skype, so would be good if you had ah Skype because you can better write my name in Skype is hansi1024
i feel good, i hope you, too, unfortunately, i can write a children english translator in skype, it would be good if you could - skype you can write better, my name is hansi1024 skype