Das berühmte und weit über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus bekannte Wahrzeichen von Gmunden – SEESCHLOSS ORT – sowie das unmittelbar daneben, am Festland liegende LANDSCHLOSS ORT - werden mit ihren Räumlichkeiten als Ausstellungsobjekte des Traunsee Schlösser Advents genutzt.
The well known and far beyond the country's borders landmark of Gmunden - SEESCHLOSS known PLACE - as well as the immediately next to it, included the Mainland COUNTRY Castle PLACE - castles are used with their premises as exhibition objects of the Traunsee advent.
The famous and widely known over the borders of the country landmark of Gmunden - SEESCHLOSS ORT - and the immediately adjacent, on the mainland lying LAND CASTLE SITE - be used with their premises as exhibits of Traunsee Castles Advent.
this famous far beyond the borders of the country famous landmark of gmunden, seeschloss place, and directly in the mainland, the landschloss place - with their premises as artifacts of the traunsee locks one used.